Togetherness Buff removes guild buffs when under 100%

When Togetherness buff goes below 100%, the entire legion loses statue benefits(ie. study +1, build +1)

If this is intentional, this needs to be changed as soon as possible. This game mechanic hurts newer and smaller legions. It is difficult to maintain 100% or more togetherness buff in a small legion.

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And to add to this, these legion quests feel mandatory at the moment. That is just wrong.

These quests should be optional, not feel like another chore in this game

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Same here. We are the 3rd league and it’s hard to keep over 100%… seems also that first and second league too have some trouble. The malus of the statue is terrible, why someone have to activate it when it’s so hard to mantain? And also. Big leagues have top players, why give them other bonuses? They are already the most powerful… the idea od league quests is good, you can also try to add some “guild raids” if not “server raids”, adjusting the difficulty by the rank of the players (with the same reward). Higher the rank, harder will be.


Oh and if it’s a way to try to break leagues to split big players in an higher number of leagues… with high VIP why the top ones have to split? They already have huge bonuses…

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