Throne Conquest

Throne Conquest


  • What Throne Conquest Is
  • Conquest Map
    • Moving to Points
    • Preview
    • Point, Base, and Capital
    • Point Commander
    • Occupied Ratio
    • Retreat
  • Guild and Region Policies
    • Region Policies
      • Tax Rate
      • Sentiment
      • Peace
      • Prosperity
    • Region Ruler Guild
      • Blood Tax
      • Guild Quests
      • Position
  • Title

What Throne Conquest Is


Throne Conquest means wars in the conquest maps by the guilds who compete for the capital in the center. The guild who took the capital can influence the tax rate and the policies of the region. In order to participate in Throne Conquest, you need to be in a guild and only legions can move to the conquest maps.

Conquest Map


The conquest map of each region is located in the end of the west side of the region. And everyone who has a guild and legions can move to the map freely, and lords who do not can check out the policies of the region through the UI where you can move to the conquest map.


When you visit a point, you can see the number of your legions and units and the amount of food in the current point. You can only control your legions in the point, but you can share the food in the point with other lords.


The popup that shows up when you click a point also shows the amount of legions and units except the figure includes the others’ too.

Moving to Points

As I informed you earlier, you need to have a guild and legion to move to points. Provided you have both in your possession, you can move to the end of the west side of your region, and there you can enter the conquest map and move your legions to the desired points.

When you start a campaign from the outside the conquest map(dominion or temple) to the conquest map, you cannot directly move to a base or the capital; you can only move to a point. In order to take a base or the capital, you have to occupy a nearby point first. However, if one of your guild members already has taken a base or the capital, you can directly move to there.

And when you move from the outside the conquest map to the inside the conquest map, a portion of resources and units are lost according to the peace of the region. As for the loss rate, please check out the table below.



In the conquest map, each point has different color so that it is easier to differentiate.

  • Yellow : current point
  • Blue : points that your guild has
  • Red : points that other guilds or NPCs have

Point, Base, and Capital

Points in the conquest map are divided into point, base, and capital.


Point : Points make up the most points of the conquest map. In each point, you can either move or attack a point, base, or the captial that is connected with paths.

Each point has different odds of land types, and in points, battles happen as if in intercepts; the legions will have their formation activated.


Base : A base, unlike points, cannot be directly attacked from the outside the conquest map. There are 2 bases in each region.

It also has a rampart and the formation of the attacker will be attacking rampart formation and the defense side will have the defending rampart formation.


Capital : The capital is located in the center of the conquest map, and it is the most important place in a region. Once you take the capital you can influence the region policies. And you can adjust the tax rate of the region.

Like bases, it has a rampart too and its rampart has higher HP.

Each point, base, and capital must have its commander, and the commander of a point is like the mayor of a dominion; the commander of a point cannot leave the point unless you assign a new one. You can assign any legion in the same point(even including the others’) to a new commander.

Point Commander

There is a Underworld commander in each point. There are 3 types of Underworld commanders and they use the mysterious power of Taiping Magic to decrease the attributes of opposing commanders. Beacuse of that, it might be better to increase the power of each unit than to focus on the attributes of the legion commander.

Type Attribute Decrease Rate
General Point Commander 50%
Base Commander 75%
Capital Commander 95%

Occupied Ratio

The occupied ratio shows the ratio of points that are occupied by your guild, and the occupied ratio increases the attack damage and HP when attacking bases or the capital.

Type Amount Occupied Ratio per Each
Point 27 3%
Base 2 6%
Capital 1 7%

For example, when your guild has 2 points and 1 base, the occupied ratio is 12%.

And the influence to HP and attack damage by the occupied ratio is as follows:

Point Type Influence per 1% of Occupied Ratio
Capital Attack Damage and HP of Every Branch +1.5%
Base Attack Damage and HP of Every Branch +0.3%


In order to desert a point, you need to retreat. When a legion retreats, it becomes remnants and move to your main dominion.

And when you get defeated by another guild or kicked out from your guild, or when your guild declares bankruptcy, your legions will retreat. And when you kick out a guild member that possesses a point and there are other legions in that point, a new commander will be automatically selected among them.

Guild and Region Policies

When your guild takes the capital, your guild will have guild quests related to region policies. And next to the guild quests, your guild can collect blood tax from the trades in the region. Blood tax is a new guild resource type and your guild can use it to develop your own guild or influence the region policies.

Region Policies

Tax Rate

Tax rate means the tax rate for the trades in the region, and according to the tax rate, the region ruler guild can collect blood tax.

Tax rate is now can be set in temples and in capitals. And its sum will be the tax rate. In capitals, the tax rate can be set between 10% and 30% and in temples, it also can be set between 10% and 30%. So in regions whose capital is taken by a user, the tax rate will range from 20% to 60%.


Sentiment affects the resource yield in the region. And per 1 sentiment, the resource yield in the region is increased by 0.5%. And when you take the capital that Underworlds occupy, sentiment will be set to 50, and when taking it from a user, sentiment will be set to 30.

Sentiment is automatically decreased by 5 at every earthquake.


Peace determines the ratio of lost resources and units when moving from the outside the conquest map and to the inside the conquest map.

Peace Loss Rate
0 70%
10 66%
50 50%
100 30%

For example, if you move to the inside the conquest map with 1 million food and 1 million elite infantries in a region that has 0 peace, as soon as you start the action the food will be 300,000 and the number of the units will be 300,000 too. Exchange for the loss, you instantly acquire 3 times as many XPs for the units.

After arriving in the conquest map, there will be no loss due to the peace when moving between points.

Peace affects the respawn rate of bandit camps beside the loss rate. When the peace is low, you’ll lose much more units and resources but the respawn rate can be 4 hours at least. And when the peace is 100, it’ll take 12 hours for a bandit camp to respawn.

And when peace increases, the trade profit of the region also increases. 1 Peace increases trade profit by 0.5%.

When taking the capital from Underworlds, the peace will be set to 50, and when taking from a user, it’ll be set to 25.


Prosperity determines the resource yield of resource villages. 1 prosperity incearses the resource yield of wealthy villages by 20% and the mining, industry, farming, and commercing villages will have that increased by 10%. Prosperity can be increased up to 500 and when the capital is taken by another guild or when a coup, a planned feature, occurs in the guild, it will be decreased by 50%.

And although resource yield is increased due to prosperity, the resource yield in the temples will not be increased. And the special resource yield will not increase either.

Region Ruler Guild

The region ruler guild can collect blood tax and doing the guild quests concerning the region policies, they can influence the peace, sentiment, prosperity and tax rate.

Blood Tax

Blood tax is tax that is for the trades that occur in the region. From now on, the tax rate will be the tax rate of the capital + the tax rate of the temple, so you need to consider the region’s tax rate too when trading. And the blood tax collected this way can be used to do new policies in the region.

Guild Quest


When your guild is occupying capitals, your guild will have quests like this and your guild can get peace, sentiment, blood tax, and prosperity in return. For example, there are quests that decrease both sentiment and peace, that increase the prosperity in exchange for blood tax, etc.

And when you get sentiment from a quest, peace is increased by 1 automatically per 2 sentiment. So, when getting 10 sentiment from a quest, the peace will also be increased by 5 and when getting -2 sentiment, the peace will be decreased by 1.


Position is added and it is determined by the rank position in your guild. (Rank position in your guild means the position of you among your guild members in terms of rank score.)

Rank in Guild Position Tax Rate Adjustment
1 Hero -30%
2 – 5 Duke -15%
6 – 10 Baron 0%
11 – 15 Knight +5%
16 – 30 Commoner +10%
31 – 100 Peasant +25%

For those who have to protect and lead the guild will have benefits in terms of tax rate, and for those who get protected by the high-ranked members and get help on getting more trade profit from high-ranked players, they will be required to pay more taxes which are fees they pay in return for the services.

You can check the position in the UI that pops up when you click on the name of lords in the chatting UI. And the rank in guild affects not only the position but also the trading tax benefits. Depending on the rank in guild, your tax rate can either increase or decrease. For example, when your position is hero and you have to pay 1 million as trading tax, you only have to pay 700,000 after 30% reduction.



Title Requirements
Pontiff Title score 1 – 3
Paladin Title score 4 – 999
Admiral Title score >= 5 and a point in possession
General Title score >= 10 and a point in possession
Great Lord Title score >= 15 and a point in possession
Chancellor Title score >= 20 and a base in possession
Emperor Title score >= 30 and a capital in possession
Son of the Sun Chosen through election

Title is a title that is determined by the points and temples you have. There are 8 types of titles from son of the sun to pontiff and it is shown next to your name in the chatting UI. The title score that decides the title is evaluated with the amount of points, bases, capitals, and temples you have and each one increases title score as follows:

Type Title Score
Temple +1
Point +5
Base +10
Capital +20

And title not only affects the icon next to your name but also affects your crew bonus Diamonds. When you are of a high title the bonus Diamonds will increase and so you can give or receive more bonus Diamonds from and to your crew members. And the title increases the amount of bonus Diamonds up to 100%.

And the son of the sun among the titles will be added along with the planned election feature.


And as the title system is added, there will be a new UI where you can check out the like-o-meter of others for you and the amount of bonus Diamonds you’ll be receiving when they purchase 100 Diamonds.