The future

Each day players are leaving this game faster than the number of new recruits to join the game.
Even there is a new recruits, is very hard to maintain more than a month of playing this game.
Judging from the trade < weekly < rank, I can only assume there is around 150 players in peach server, 10% of them could be substitute accounts of old players.
The old players are struggling, new players are no where to be known.

Suggestions to solve these:

  1. Bring more new players (increase advertisement) , and better buff,build,study to the new comers.
  2. Combine 2 server players and reduce the area of map. (of course, an edition the trade system and bandits camp)
  3. Great improvement to Fallen towns, Bandit camps/yellow turban camp, and battle system.
  4. Update quests, stories or atleast create a purpose of gaming experience. Reduce repeating work and create challenges are what players want.

Best regards,
Peach Garden