Server Malfunction on May 31

Server Malfunction

We deeply apologize for yesterday’s malfunction in Poseidon server and the delay we took to tackle the issue.

We have taken a look at the cause of the issue from various aspects and it appears the problem occurred while Google, the server provider, updated our server. The issue is currently completely resolved and I apologize that it took about a day to make an announcement about such a fatal issue. We intended to make this announcement once we completely have resolved the issue and figured out the exact cause of it and discussed compensations as to the issue.

Our deepest and sincerest apologies for the delay and having made you all feel abandoned.

Issue Description

The issue rendered the players unable to connect to Poseidon server.


100 Diamonds for Every Lord

We have decided to give 100 :gem: to every lord to apologize for the inconvenience the server malfunction caused.

Thank you.

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