- Sep 11 2pm UTC+9
- Peach Garden: 30 minutes
- Heroic Savior: 30 minutes
- Inactive families are moved to inactive areas, as per the standards.
- Cities get rearranged according to their score. (Moved by up to 5 cities)
- Empty cities may be added.
- Some cities in areas that have too many empty cities may be removed.
- Cities may move more than 5 cities if empty cities get removed.
- Cities that have no occupied town are liable to removal.
1st Revision
Balance Adjustment
- The region distance will affect the returning time of the remnants.
- When doing the calling Yellow Turban quests in Phantom Manor, each army will arrive with 10 seconds of difference.
- The bug that 7-star Cao Ren didn’t have the 90 level talent.
- The bug that the same quest could be given twice.
- The bug that the hiring a 5-star didn’t count for quests.
- The bug that occurred when Yellow Turbans of a certain grade counter-attacked with re-attacking legacies. The re-attacking legacies are removed for now and they will be added back later after dealing with the bug.
- The bug that it was unable to edit the armies of the manager of town or palace.
- The bug that the defense commander appeared as empty and didn’t affect the battle with its legacies under certain circumstances.
- At the start of Manor Exploration, all the invitations get removed.
- Peddlers will now sell Trade Goods.
Abundant Daily Quests!
- Sep 11’s EQ to Sep 25’s EQ
- Increased rewards from daily quests
It’s Korean Thanksgiving Day Soon!
- Sep 11’s EQ to Sep 25’s EQ
- Daily attendance rewards doubled