Distance Bug Exploits After Apr 2 Maintenance

Hello, I am CM Ares.

We noticed there had been a distance bug after the earthquake of Apr 2 and have fixed the issue. My deepest apologies for the tremendous inconvenience and confusion.

As we were checking on the issue, we noticed there were some users who knowingly exploited the bug. And as for the intended exploits, punishments will follow.

When you notice a bug, you have to stop using the defective feature and report it. Bug exploits cannot be justified no matter what.

Punished : lords who noticed the bug and exploited the bug on purpose
Degree of Punishment : as per the degree of the exploit
Punishment Notice : planned to be sent via in-game message

We will work hard to prevent this kind of issue from occurring and improve and better the game experience.

And to the user who reported this bug, we will give you Sycees. And we have taken the possible repercussions by the bug into consideration of the amount.

Thank you.

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